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Please contact us to schedule 1-1 or group classes.
All classes are currently meeting via Zoom.
All classes are customized to address specific needs such as Anxiety, Depression, ADHD/ADD, Academic Performance, Perfectionism, Trauma history, Divorce & Family Changes, Chronic Pain etc.
Classes focus on mindfulness and emotional awareness skills with the goal of building resiliency and reducing anxiety and reactivity. Games and exercises teach children about neuroplasticity and how their brains work, and how they can better relate to their thoughts and emotions so that they will be more balanced, focused, curious and compassionate. Growth Mindset concepts and Happiness skills are also introduced. Classes are designed for children and teens ages 4-18.
Classes teach the basics of mindfulness with an emphasis on the unique challenge of intense focus that is required by athletes. By optimizing emotional and physical awareness, students will learn how to get "in the zone" in practices, games and competitions. The skills learned in class are not only critical for athletic success but will also enhance academic focus, social interactions and family relationships.
Parenting is hard work. Busy parents are short on time and often short on patience. Stress and depression are at all-time highs. We easily forget how important it is to connect with our children on an emotional level and struggle to find balance in our own lives with so many competing demands on our time. This class will restore that balance and teach how mindfulness isn't just "one more thing to do" but something that can be easily incorporated into your life.
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